DICOM http://hitontology.eu/ontology/DICOM an entity of type: Interoperability rdfs:comment Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine @en dct:source <https://www.dicomstandard.org/> rdf:type hito:Interoperability↪ Interoperability Standard rdfs:label DICOM @en owl:sameAs dbr:DICOM inverse relations is hito:interoperability of hito:Dcm4Che↪ dcm4che hito:IPath↪ iPath hito:OpenClinicGa↪ OpenClinic GA hito:OpenEmr↪ OpenEMR hito:Orthanc↪ Orthanc hito:Pacs1↪ CommercialPACS1 hito:Pacs2↪ Commercial PACS 2 hito:Ris1↪ Commercial RIS 1 hito:Ris2↪ Commercial RIS 2 is hito:subStandardOf of hito:WADO↪ WADO