Support for Context- Sensitive Care Plans, Guidelines, Protocols an entity of type: FeatureClassified
Identify and present the appropriate care plans, guidelines, protocols, and/or clinical pathways for the management of patientspecific conditions that are identified in a patient clinical encounter. @en | |
At the time of the clinical encounter (problem identification), recommendations for tests, treatments, medications, immunizations, referrals and evaluations are presented based on evaluation of patient-specific data such as age, gender, developmental stage, their health profile, and any site-specific considerations. These may be modified on the basis of new clinical data at subsequent encounters. @en |
hito:EhrSfmFeatureCatalogue ↪ HL7 EHR-S FM Feature Catalogue |
CPS.3.4 xsd:string
hito:EhrSfmSupportClinicalDocumentation ↪ Support Clinical Documentation |
hito:FeatureClassified ↪ Feature Classified |
Support for Context- Sensitive Care Plans, Guidelines, Protocols @en |