The effect of PACS on the Time Required for Technologists to Produce Radiographic Images in the Emergency Department Radiology Suite an entity of type: Study rdfs:comment Named Study 7 @en hito:evaluatesApplicationSystemType hito:pictureArchivalAndCommunicationSystem↪ picture archival and communication system hito:evaluatesApplicationSystemTypeHavingFeature hito:automaticForwardedProcessedImages↪ automatic forwarded processed images hito:forwardIntoArchive↪ forward into archive hito:interfacedToTheRIS↪ interfaced to the RIS hito:evaluatesApplicationSystemTypeHavingUserGroup hito:radiologists↪ radiologists hito:technologists↪ technologists hito:evaluatesApplicationSystemTypeUsedInUnit hito:emergencyDepartment↪ emergency department hito:radiology↪ radiology hito:evaluatesProduct hito:GePatchspecdPacs↪ GE Patchspecd PACS hito:firstAuthor Redfern ORxsd:string hito:ocEvaluatesOcCit hito:timeForProducingImages↪ time for producing images hito:pmid <> hito:publishedInJournal hito:JournalOfDigitalImaging↪ Journal of digital imaging hito:publishedInYear 2002xsd:gYear hito:studyMethod hito:Quantitative↪ Quantitative hito:vancouverReference Redfern RO, Langlotz CP, Abbuhl SB, Polansky M, Horii SC, Kundel HI. The Effect of PACS on the Time Required for Technologists to Produce Radiographic Images in the Emergency Department Radiology Suite. J Digit Imaging. 2002 Sep 1;15(3):153–60xsd:string 10.1007/s10278-002-0024-5xsd:string rdf:type hito:QuasiExperimentalStudy↪ Quasi Experimental Study hito:Study↪ Study rdfs:isDefinedBy <> rdfs:label The effect of PACS on the Time Required for Technologists to Produce Radiographic Images in the Emergency Department Radiology Suite @en rdfs:seeAlso <> inverse relations