radiologists an entity of type: UserGroupCitation hito:userCitClassifiedAs hito:SnomedRadiologistOccupation↪ Radiologist occupation rdf:type hito:UserGroupCitation↪ User Group Citation rdfs:label radiologists @en inverse relations is hito:evaluatesApplicationSystemTypeHavingUserGroup of hito:NamedStudy26↪ A novel software tool for semi-automatic quantification of thoracic aorta dilatation on baseline and follow-up computed tomography angiography hito:NamedStudy6↪ Analysis of the X-ray Work Flow in Two Diagnostic Imaging Departments With and Without a RIS/PACS System hito:NamedStudy7↪ The effect of PACS on the Time Required for Technologists to Produce Radiographic Images in the Emergency Department Radiology Suite