request form assigned a timeslot room and staff an entity of type: FeatureCitation hito:fCitClassifiedAs hito:EhrSfmManageCareCoordinationReporting↪ Manage Care Coordination & Reporting hito:EhrSfmManageClinicalWorkflowTasking↪ Manage Clinical Workflow Tasking hito:EhrSfmManageNonmedicationPatientCareOrders↪ Manage Non-Medication Patient Care Orders hito:EhrSfmManageOrders↪ Manage Orders hito:EhrSfmSupportCareCoordinationReporting↪ Support Care Coordination & Reporting rdf:type hito:FeatureCitation↪ Feature Citation rdfs:label request form assigned a timeslot room and staff @en inverse relations is hito:evaluatesApplicationSystemTypeHavingFeature of hito:NamedStudy10↪ Advancing the integration of hospital IT - Pitfalls and perspectives when replacing specialized software for high-risk environments with enterprise system extensions